Henk Peeters
Henk Peeters (1925 – 2013) is mainly known for his role in the Dutch Zero movement or Nul-beweging (together with Armando, Herman de Vries, Jan Henderikse and Jan Schoonhoven) for whom he was the international spokesperson and organizer. It was Peeters who connected the Nul-beweging (1960 – 1965)to a vast network of international artists who were associated, in some form or other with the Zero group, originally started in Germany. He spent the sixties incessantly organizing exhibitions for large groups of international Zero artists who have almost all become household names such as: Yves Klein (France), Piero Manzoni (Italy), Jayoi Kusama (Japan) and the original German Zero members. Peeters’s own work is still very well loved and has been widely adopted by large collections and museums. Peeters also worked as a highly appreciated instructor at the Academy in Arnhem.